July 18, 2010

DVD Review #43

The Wolfman (2010) Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins Directed by Joe Johnston

The Director of The Wolfman (Joe Johnston) has done some really nice work in the past with films like The Rocketeer (one of my childhood favorites) and Hidalgo (which I thought was solid…you know the one about the horse racing in Arabia…no?), but nobody seems to give him much do, until now that is, his next project is certainly his most ambitious, Captain America (The First Avenger) coming in 2011, so let’s see how his warm up to that (The Wolfman) did on my treacherous Shawshank Scale.

The Wolfman is a very traditional telling of an old classic. Lawrence Talbot (played admirably by Benicio Del Toro) returns home after his brother has been killed by a beast in the woods. Upon returning home he finds his brothers ex fiancé (a solid Emily Blunt) and father (a been better Anthony Hopkins) there to tell him what has happened. In an effort to capture the beast Lawrence is attacked and injured by it. Any guesses to what happens next? The story has layers and I’m sure its intend is to surprise you with these textbook plot points, but that really doesn’t matter here. The film is watchable because its old school style is charming and in a way refreshing. It probably runs about 20 minutes too long, and its story and acting isn’t one for the record books, but despite that I would expect those who attend a movie called “The Wolfman” may get just what they showed up for.

(The Shawshank Scale 1-10) It’s color and the effects are a lot better, but I think this Wolfman pays homage to the old one, it serves as a tribute to the way things were, and for that it gets a good 6.0 on the scale. (now Mr. Johnston let’s see Captain America!)

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