Crazy Heart (2009) Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal Directed by Scott Cooper
It takes a lot for me to like a Country Song…especially one that Colin Farrell and “The Dude” Jeff Bridges is singing…but I immediately went home after this film and downloaded three songs. This is “this year’s” The Wrestler (2008) which I gave a very good 7.5 ranking in DVD Review #5 (way back when)…I can’t believe the Oscars did not nominate this film for Best Picture…seriously? In any case in my continuing mission to catch up on the Oscar films, I decided to see Crazy Heart (Bridges, Gyllenhall, best song The Weary Kind all nominated) instead of the Wolfman or Valentine’s Day, and I think I made a good choice as this film was very good, and very well acted top to bottom…yes even Colin Farrell.
Crazy Heart is the story of Bad Blake (A shoe-in for best actor Jeff Bridges) who is a fading alcoholic ex-country star. He is endlessly out on the road, reduced to playing bowling alleys and dive-bars. Bad Blake falls for a younger reporter (played well by Maggie Gyllenhaal) along the way. He is a man much like (Randy the Ram) was who is hanging onto his past, while not thinking about the future at all. To make matters worse, a former band mate that he taught the ropes too, is now very famous: Tommy Sweet (played so well by Colin Farrell-how did he not get nominated…the guy sings, and pretty well). Bad Blake survives many of his crappy wake-up call moments without even considering changing his ways…that is until he makes a mistake that wakes him up…but costs him. The film is slow at times, but the acting is so good you immediately connect with these characters and wish them the best. Robert Duvall shows up for a few brief moments as Bad’s buddy Wayne and he is brilliant as usual. The movie is filled with surprisingly excellent music done by the actors themselves…and it is good. I very highly recommend this film and it will find itself way up on my year’s top ten…the road for a fading Country icon is no place for The Weary Kind…now pick up your Crazy Heart and give it one more try…indeed. Download Hold On You, Fallin’& Flyin’, and The Weary Kind on Itunes.
(The Shawshank Scale 1-10) Absolutely beautifully acted throughout…near perfection…remnants of A Few Good Men in that way…the re-watchabilty hurts this film a bit, as I will certainly listen to the Soundtrack, but maybe won’t watch this film too many more times, but that was the case for The Wrestler as well. I can’t give it any lower than The Wrestler…A much deserved 7.5 on the Shawshank Scale…I Highly Recommend this film…give 3D and Special Effects a break for a weekend and see a poignant and brilliantly acted film. BRIDGES FOR BEST ACTOR!...sorry Morgan Freeman :)
Food For Thought: Next up for “The Dude” (Bridges…if you’re not into the whole brevity thing) is Tron Legacy…um I will give him a pass on this since he is so good in Crazy Heart. Bridges is also set to star in a ballsy remake of a John Wayne classis, True Grit…and who has balls to redo John Wayne…why it’s the Coen Brothers (of No Country for Old Men fame) who else? Maggie Gyllenhaal has Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang out later this year, and Colin Farrell has a film called London Boulevard coming soon and co-starring Keira Knightley…and I will see it…because my hope has been restored that Mr. Farrell likes being a serious actor, rather than a Playboy Mansion junky who likes his press better than his reviews…keep it up Colin, just like “Bad Blake” you can clean up your act as well :)
Yeah Bridges gets the Oscar for this, he was good and I really liked the film. I just saw last week in AZ, Nice Review!
ReplyDeleteWow I really like this movie. The Dude shows his chops and does a great job. I can't believe I went to the theater and saw it, but was glad after it was over. I like it when you think you won't like character at all and then the character changes your mind, even if only just enough, I thought the same with Up In The Air. Good Review!