March 10, 2010

DVD Review #32 Precious

Precious (2009) Gabourey Sidibe, Mo’Nique Directed By Lee Daniels

Precious is not the kind of movie you take a date to, nor is it the kind of movie you match up with…let’s say The Hangover on a doubleheader day…it is extremely heavy…and extremely in your face. I dare you to watch this film, and then go out and complain about your life. I like to try to always keep perspective in my own life, now I have been known at time to take it to extremes (finish your food because there are people starving all over the world…sort of extremes)…but perspective is key in key, if you don’t have it, then you are very likely someone who thinks the world revolves around…well you, and it does not. Though I will never watch Precious again (it was hard enough the first time), I do respect the story it told, and I do believe that lives out there, with that kind of circumstance, with that kind of struggle, can make it through, they can endure to be something better. One thing is certainly for sure here, I won’t be complaining about my circumstances for awhile, having the perspective (and now the vivid visual) of that kind of circumstance.

Precious is the story of a Harlem teenager, Precious Jones (played very well by Oscar-Nominated newcomer Gabourey Sidibe), she lives in a world so horrible, and so bleak, that you won’t want to watch (in fact it took me two days on purpose to watch this film), but somehow she is able to just get up and walk through it. Mary, her mother (played perfectly I suppose for such a dark awful character is played by Oscar Winner Mo’Nique) provides the antagonist in chilling form. Precious is trying, despite the obstacles to get out of her circumstance, but her lack of an education, her mother, and her general situation stand in the way. Providing help are two important characters, Ms. Rain (played well by Paula Patton) is a teacher at Precious’s GED class, and Mrs. Weiss (Mariah Carey doing a heck of a job here) as a Social Worker. Though the movie is hard to watch it does have some bright spots, and there is bit a comedy (provided by dream sequences, dreaming for a better life) to help you through it. I recommend this film for sure, it was a worthy best picture nominee, but just be prepared to watch it, that’s all I will say…and I hope it gives us a ll a little perspective.

(The Shawshank Scale 1-10) Precious is a worthy 7.0 Oscar type film, though it won’t make my Top Ten of the Year, it is a great piece of filmmaking that needs to be seen.

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